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Gun Types for Skeet

Skeet is the undoubtedly the ultimate shotgun sport, for novices and skilled gun owners alike. There’s nothing quite like the thrill of a gun to your shoulder, tracking a fast-moving target with your finger on the trigger, knowing there is just a second to concentrate, aim, squeeze and "hit it". The adrenelin rush as you pull the trigger, the noise as the gun fires and seeing the target destroyed as it shatters in the air. 
Skeet offers one of the most level playing fields of any shooting sport.


If you are new to skeet or to firing a shotgun, we will provide level one coaching during the first few visits.
The club does not supply guns or amunition.
Shotguns only on the grounds.

All spent cartridges must be picked up.

SHOT GUN TYPES (for Skeet)

You will want to start with a shotgun that is at least a 20 gauge, but preferably 12 gauge.

The heavier the gun the less recoil will be felt, making it easier to shoot for multiple shots.
It should be a double-barrel with a 26-inch or longer barrel and a fairly open choke.

Recommend a cartridge with #8 or #9-size shot.


Shotgun cartridge loads explained YouTube video

Shotgun chokes explained YouTube video


If you have a side by side double barrel shotgun and just want to get a feel for Skeet shooting, come to one of our open days on the second Sunday of each month and give it a try before buying another gun. The simulated Grouse shoot is ideal for side by side guns.


Over/Under double-barrels are without doubt the shot gun of choice for the competitive marksman. The ease of movement and balance that the over/under shotgun offers makes all the difference in competiition shooting.

When looking at buying an over/under shotgun, consideration should be given to quality and features. Budget priced guns do not have the quality of their higher end counterparts.

Most over/unders have the ability to change and use two different chokes for targeting skete pairs at different distances. There is no looking for spent cartridges in the grass after you shoot, since spent cartridges are still in the barrel. While many shooters will frown on the idea of buying a less expensive over/under for skeet shooting, they can be great for the occasional day on the range or as a starter gun to learn and grow with.


Cleaning your shotgun YouTube video

Club Open Every Sunday
Registration @ 10.30 am  Shoot starts @ 11.00 am

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